We host an annual Thanksgiving morning breakfast that started in 2005 when a group of friends decided to get together, make breakfast, and feed those in need on the streets who would likely be without family on the holiday. We have grown to serve about 300+ every year including women, men, and children. We also give out other much needed items and work throughout the year to gather these donations.
Primarily, we collect socks, gloves, hats, large and extra large men’s coats, business suits, reusable bags, and toiletries. These donations help to alleviate some of the burden on the local organizations that serve the homeless community each day.
Over the years, we grew to be a large group of volunteers, so we started looking for a partner location. Since 2018, we have partnered with the Gateway Center in Atlanta to host our Thanksgiving breakfast, though we are always looking for ways to work with the community. This organization strives to provide a supportive and compassionate setting for people being affected by homelessness. They provide resources and therapeutic programs involving mental health support, substance abuse counseling, job-readiness and sustaining employment for those committed to ending their homelessness and becoming self-sufficient.
In a beautiful culmination of efforts and mission, we have held a free breakfast for our homeless friends on Thanksgiving morning annually that allows us to to raise awareness, support those in need, celebrate our community’s progress, and come together in fellowship with our homeless neighbors so that we all feel a bit more connected to one another.
We firmly believe that it takes very little to make an impact, and that it is a blessing to be a blessing.
Gateway Center
The Gateway Center works to end homelessness in Metro Atlanta through therapeutic programs and community collaboration. They have focused their efforts into what they call the Five Keys to Success: Housing Placement and Stability, Health and Wellness, Family and Community Engagement, Job Skills Training and Placement, and Literacy.